2. Some words are not meant to be repeated. F**K. I don't remember saying it in front of her, but I could've slipped when something didn't go my way. We were getting inside the house and miss A dropped something. She said f**k and picked up her item. The hubs and I looked at each other in shock. I asked him if he heard what I heard. But before he had a chance to reply, my little lady repeated the word 3 more times - f**k, f***k, f**k.
3. The husband called me paranoid and I totally deserve it. After watching the news and reading some articles online, I can't help but get paranoid about something happening to my family. Random questions pop into my head and I just can't help it. What if someone gets into our house? How can I protect miss A? Will I have my phone to call police? Car accident? Earthquake? Lunatics walking on the streets? Maybe I should stop watching/listening to the news for some time...
4. The husband and I went out last Saturday to celebrate our friend's birthday. He had his bday at the new restaurant. It was nice to get out of the house, dress in nice clothes (although I wasn't a big fan of my outfit), socialize with friends, and have
5. I think I have a shopping obsession. Online shopping that is. Since I don't have time to go to the store, I tend to buy things online. My cubicle last week was covered in boxes. From toilet paper to shoes...you name it. In fact, I have 4 pairs of shoes in my shoppincg cart right now that I've been thinking of getting...Every time I think I've done enough damage to my bank account, I see something else on sale I want to get.
6. I need to get a haircut. I've been calling my usual hair dresserer but she is not picking up the phone. I've read reviews on yelp but I am afraid to experiment with new people. Last time I did that, I came home crying because he cut my bangs way too short!
7. I've been thinking of doing laser hair removal again. I did it before miss A was born and let's just say some areas of my body NEED to be treated.
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