Friday, August 23, 2013

Our Life Lately

Hello there, my blog. I’ve totally forgotten and abandoned about you. Good thing no one is really following it, otherwise at this speed I would have no readers at all.

There is a reason though why I’ve neglected you for so long. Life has been busy and by busy I am super, duper busy.


Let’s talk about my two girls J

Miss A – where do I start?

-          You are such a loving and caring young lady

-          You hold conversations like an older woman (or babushka as people in daycare call you)

-          You always ask where and what are we doing on the weekend

-          Lately, you’ve been asking about your birthday. You tell me who you want to invite, what cake to get and what food to order. So far, you liked Pump it Up (we’ve been there for another bday party) and you want to invite all of your girlfriends from daycare. You want to have a huge pink and purple cake with butterflies and rainbow. And apparently, the cake will not be enough since you asked me t get “pupcakes” (cupcakes) as well.

-          You’ve also asked when your sister will be born and why you cousin already has a baby brother and you don’t.

-          You love to dance!!! When we get home from daycare you usually change into a puffy dress or skirt and ask us to put some music on. Cutest thing ever! If we have someone over, then you’ll change outfits every 5 minutes to make sure people don’t leave without seeing your collection of dresses, tutus, and skirts.

-          You are still taking gymnastics classes and we recently enrolled you in a prep class for Kindergarten. They’ll be teaching Russian, Math, and English. The class will start in a few weeks and I’ll need to write an update on that.

-          I think most of the time you are a follower with your friends at daycare. There is an older girl, who is leaving this year, but she is very dominant and tells everyone what to do. And you and other little girl just follow what she says. I’ve noticed when she is not around, you are more of a leader and others try to follow you.

-          You performed at the “daycare graduation” for five kids that will be leaving to school this year. Only those kids should’ve been performing (singing and dancing) but you memorized all the songs and the teachers asked you to perform as well. Some parents were asking if/where A will go this year and I just replied she is staying for another year. She just likes to perform!

-          We try to go “swimming” to gma’s and gpa’s pool frequently. You are doing great with your puddle jumper but still afraid of water, especially if it gets into your eyes or on your face.

You are our sunshine and such a light in our life! You make us smile everyday but sometimes test our patience J You tell us you love us and give out kisses to us every day. What a great feeling and joy it is to be around you every day. I am very thankful to have you in my life.

I love you with all my heart and more!


Little One – we haven’t come up with a name yet. I’ll have to call you little one for now

-          You’ve been doing gymnastics or some other sport in there. I’ve been feeling all those rolls and turns you take

-          Daddy is finally used to the idea that he’ll have two daughters. Trust me he was shocked when he found out at the u/s that you are a GIRL but now he is totally cool.

-          Mommy is really excited to have two daughters. I hope you’ll have a special bond between the two of you. I hope you’ll be there for each other though out life and learn to lean and care for each other. I won’t lie; at first I thought we’ll have a boy. On the day of the big u/s I left confused at first. I got a little sad that I’ll never know or have a boy to raise but then I thought of all the positives of having two girls and the world became brighter! Like this was meant to be!

-          We went for another u/s on 08/16 because I’ve been having some pain on my upper right side and the doc wanted me to check it out. I am so glad we did. Your daddy was able to go with me. They couldn’t tell why I’ve been having pain (maybe your position and kicking or my ribs expanding to make room for you) but I was able to stare at you for 20 minutes. You were folded in half J Your legs were covering you face most of the time and the u/s tech was having a hard time. We got a few pictures to take home and your sister wanted to see them as well. They estimated you to be around 3lb 14oz, which is the 60 percentile. I’ve heard their estimates are not really accurate though.

-          I am feeling better in general, just get more tired towards the evening and the shortness of breath is really annoying

-          Yesterday, your sister felt you kick for the first time (she was just pretending before) and she started giggling J


It seems like time just flies by this time around but at the same time we still have about 2 more months. I can’t wait to meet you. I pray every day that you are healthy and that my body is doing everything to help you grow. I try to ignore the hard days with sickness, fatigue, shortness of breath, because at the end it won’t matter. The only thing matter to me is that you are healthy in there.


I love you with all of my expending heart, actually we are all already in love with you.