Tuesday, January 24, 2012


As I grabbed my purse, car keys, cell phone, and company checks, I totally forgot to use the restroom. I've parked at the mall where I usually deposit company checks and decided I couldn't hold it anymore. I turned around and went straight to the lady's room. And there, as I locked the door and looked around the dirty "white" walls, I remembered that almost three years ago, I was in the said restroom confirming my BFP by peeing on a digital test that I got next door to Walgreen's and just couldn't wait to pee on. Sorry for TMI but it is my blog and I can totally write what I want :)
I remember all kind of feelings rushing through by body - fear, excitement, anticipation... I remember walking back to work and looking back at the magical word PREGNANT and I just couldn't stop smiling. I didn't care if people on the street thought I was crazy. I was happy. It was one of the most memorable days in my life.

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