Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, I had my second acupuncture appointment yesterday. I have to say I was much more relaxed this time that I fell asleep. I had more needles in me this time but none of them were painful. I am still not sure if it'll help me with TTC but I guess it is worth a try.
Lately, I just feel like I am jumping into everything that can help me to get KU. I read stuff on GP or hear at work how this and that helped people to get KU and I want to start it right away.
I've been telling myself that six months of TTC is not that bad and I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help to think that there is something wrong with me. The acupuncturist told me that in Western medicine they only start using the word infertility if the couple has been trying for over 2 years and that I am still a "young chicken" in TTC journey. But come on! It is hard to wait and get disappointed every month. I feel like my life has changed into a waiting game. I am constantly waiting for something....waiting hours between green tea and taking PV, waiting till moring to see the temp on BBT, waiting to O, waiting to see CH on the chart, waiting to test, waiting for AF to end so that we can start again. I wish TTC would be easie. I wish I would be more prepared for this long journey.

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