Friday, January 15, 2010


I can't believe it is been almost 9 weeks of my maternity leave. I still have a little over 3 weeks. My boss expects me to be back mid February but I was thinking of staying home for another couple of weeks without pay.
I just thanked my boss over IM for a gift card that I received over the holidays and he mentioned that we'll need to talk next week about my return. Now I am sitting here with teary eyes and thinking that I'll need to leave my baby girl for a whole day. I think the longest I left her was 5 hours. Mr. V, MIL, SIL and I went to see Avatar and left Ariela with my parents. I was sooo excited on the drive to my parent's house to see my girl. But soon I would need to leave for almost 11 hours. And now I am not just teary, I am crying. Seriously, I wish I could work part time but I don't think my work would allow it and I wouldn't be able to finish everything in 20-25 hours. Sucks!
Who do I leave her with? I wish I could stay home for another 4-5 months until she is a bit older. But I would probably loose my job and it would be really hard to find another job in the near future. My mom will soon find out if she will be on unemployment soon or if she'll return to work. I now it is really selfish of me, but I wish she would be getting unemployment and watch Ariela. Mr. V and I would be adding some $$$ to her unemployment. That would be the best! I would still be sad leaving my baby girl for a whole day but at least I would know she is in good hands. I can't imagine her attending daycare just yet. Plus, I am sure every mother has her ways of taking care of her baby and daycare just wouldn't be the same. Oh decisions, decisions.

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