Thursday, January 31, 2013

Somebody Slap Me Out of This Stage

Really. I think I need a big slap on my face or a bucket of cold water thrown at me.
This whole TTC process is exhausting my mind. I have to say I am OK most of the day and remain hopefull that the current cycle might be our lucky one. But (there is always a but) there are days when I feel down. There are days when I envy a little all of my girlfriends who are currently pregnant.
And I know it is stupid to be envious. I know, I really do! I mean one couple had to wait three years until they got a BFP. Another couple had to go the IVF route. And a few more couples just got knocked up on the first try. I also can’t help my mind to wonder and imagine what life will be like with two kids, how we’ll all need to adjust, how miss A will feel about us splitting our time between 2 kids.

Today is again one of the days when I feel sad. As the days, weeks, and months pass me by, I feel like I get more and more swallowed into the whole TTC process. I am starting to think of new strategies to use (OPK, monitor, temp, and so on) and forget to enjoy the whole process. So stupid but so true.


 Hopefully, this too will pass!

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