Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday Random Thoughts

1. This Thursday really feels like Friday. In fact, Wednesday also felt like Friday.

2. I've been feeling guilty for not spending enough time with my baby girl this whole week. It so happened that the husband would come home earlier or worked from home and was entertaining our little munchkin while I prepared diner, cleaned, prepared lunches for next day, prepared clothes for next day, and so on. It felt nice to get some stuff done before miss A went to bed instead of spending 30-40 minutes after she fell asleep, but she no longer wanted to play with me. She totally became daddy's little girl. They would play together, put puzzles together, color, dance, and play hide under our comforter game (not my idea but she had fun). It is so great to see them play together but I miss her. I miss her running towards me and asking me to play with her. The last few days, she would come to her daddy, grab his hand, say "bye momma", and off they would go.

3. It is my dad's birthday in a few weeks and I can't believe I've waited this long to think about his celebration and gift. He is turning 65 this year. For his 60th, we had a huge party with guest coming over from all over the world. We booked a nice restaurant, I've put together a presentation with photos starting from his childhood until his 60th bday, I've asked guests to sign the custom plate that he would keep for memories. I've designed, printed, and labeled small little vodka bottles as a party favor for all the guests. Honestly, it was like a wedding prep all over. But this year, we won't have guests coming. It'll be just us. I really need to think of something memorable for all of us to do.

4. Thankful for AAA. Last night I had a flat tire. Sucks! AAA came to the rescue though!

5. Tomorrow is a girl's night out and I have want to go but at the same time I don't. As much as I would like to sit around, drink wine, have yummy food in the back of my mind I'll know that I'll need to get up at 7am the following day for miss A's gymnastic class. No way we could skip it. The baby girl waits for it all week long. Plus, random question pop into my head. Do I come home from work? Do I stay at work and ask my parents to pick her up? Sounds like a great idea because I can hit the gym or go shopping before the dinner. But then the guilt creeps in again...

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