Monday, March 26, 2012

It is about time

For a new post. I usually have some ideas randomly hit me and by the time I get to my computer I totally forget what they are. So, I'll just spill what is going on in my head.

1. (Bare with me...I am a little emotional... it is that time of the month). Mr. V is getting better. Slowly but surely. I don't get to hear a lot of complaining anymore from him. At this point, we can go a day at a time without talking about his hands, ears, back, teeth, etc. But there isn't a day where I want to ask for his help and then stop myself because I know if he'll help then it'll set him back again. It is little things like taking out a garbage, bringing extra chairs for guests, bringing laundry, and so on. Being the only man in the house, I am pretty sure he feels sucky that he can't/shouldn't do any of those stuff. I go on for days thinking I am a super human being and that I can do it all by myself. And then I collapse. I get emotional and stressed out. I understand that in reality I can't do it all and I need help. Believe me, it takes a lot to come to terms with that.

2. I've read quite a few posts on husbands, significant others, and potential husband materials and all of the bloggers mentioned how lucky they are to have husbands, their soul mates, their partners in life and they can't imagine their lives without them. Well, of course I start to question my relationship and no good can come from that, just trust me on that one. Mr. V is a very nice guy. He is smart, handsome (at least I think so), honest, could do all the manual work around the house. BUT...he is not 100% perfect and neither am I. We fight, we quarrel, we get angry with each other and don't let go and forget easily. He likes to tell people how to live their lives and I hate it. He likes to comment on my lack of knowledge on a particular subject and i hate it. He likes to comment that I read the wrong books (chick flicks) and I hate it. This whole comment/hate thing can go for pages. So, did I marry the wrong guy who doesn't understand me or all those ladies out there just sugar coat their relationship? This feels like Sex in The City question.

3. I want to feel at least a little bit appreciated and cherished. And maybe he does and just doesn't show it well. I don't need flowers, jewelry, or chocolate, actually scrath that I do need chocolate. A simple Thank You can go a long way. And throw in a few words  like "i feel lucky to have you in my life", "thank you for packing my lunch, cooking dinner, doing and folding nicely my laundry and so on" and you'll win my heart all over again.

4. I was raised in Ukraine where the roles for women and men were basically written in our constitution, j/k.
Men = providers, women = raise children, keep the house clean, and have dinner on a table at 6pm with a plate and a fork on a table. My family was a bit different but that is besides the point. But we live in US now. Where women and men share all of the responsibilities. They both earn $, cook, clean, do laundry, raise kids and so on. WTF is wrong in my house? Yes, my income is slightly lower then Mr. V's but I still bring home a significant amount. Why do I have to be the one doing everything around the house? And then I get to hear Mr. V say "but I cook". Yes, dear, you can BBQ once in a blue moon. And my dearest husband is really good at taking the groceries I've bought without telling me and throwing something together. While I should be thankful (because it also happens once a quarter), I feel angry because I've spent hours looking through the recipes online and getting excited a particular one that my whole family would enjoy.

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