Last Friday, my parents picked up miss A from daycare and they forgot her pacifier there. We had none at home left and I totally freaked out when I came to take her home. I stopped to think of a plan how we'll survive the next few days without a pacifier. A minute later I was calling the husband and told him to pick up a pack of new pacifiers at the Baby R Us and that he shouldn't come home without one. The visions of constant crying and tantrums filled up my mind. We were totally screwed!I knew we were coming closer and closer to a point where we would need to take it away from her, but I just wasn't mentally nor physically ready for it. She never falls asleep without one. She wakes up at night and cries until we put it back into her mouth. She occasianly cries in the car and asks for it. It was our best friend, our savior, our survival tool. And without one, well, we were totally screwed. Or so I thought. Apparently, the husband came home late on Friday and miss A fell asleep without a paci (on my laps, but I was fine with it). She did point at her mouth with a finger (that is her way of asking for her paci) and I simply explained that we have none at home and we forgot it at daycare. I was ready for a crying fist but she just blinked and said "Da" (yes in Russian).
The next day she didn't ask for it at all. But the tantrums began. Every few hours she would start crying if something wasn't going her way. It was too much. It made me wonder if our child was good because she had her blinky pretty often in her mouth and without it we would have those tantrus regularly for the past 22 months.
On Sunday, she asked for it once and I explained again that we have none at home. This was followed by a few more tantrums. But we survived the weekend without a paci! I am so proud of my little girl and I think the husband and I deserve a round of applause! I will probably return the new package he got back to the store, or maybe, just maybe, I'll keep it for a few more days.