If I say so myself :) It is sure OK to compliment your child!
But seriously, she's been showing off her intelligence at this early age :)
- She walks around a house and points at things she wants (yelles if you don't give it to her, laughs and giggles if you pick up what she was pointing at)
- She knows that remote control turns on/off the TV and has been bringing to us to turn her cartoons on. She loves watching the Baby Einstein DVDs, especiialy anything that has to do with animals.
- She knows that cell phone is for talking. She picks up her play phone or my Iphone and brings it to her ear to check if anyone is there.
- She points at all the family members when we say their name. I think everyone feels special when she is doing it!
- She points at elephant, girrafe, tiger, yogurt, balloons, and puppy in her book.
- She loves putting her socks on, even if she can't really do it, she still tries really hard. Yesterday, she got half of the sock on one of her foot and just started laughing.
- After we are done changing her, she picks up her dirty diaper (don't worry I close it so it is not messy at all and don't give it to her if she did #2) and walks to the garbage can and throws it away. Now if only she could change her own diaper :)Need to work on that....j/k.
- She can toast. This new trick was shown to her yesterday at diner. DH and I had a glass of wine and toasted her sippy cup. She loved it and made us do it over and over and over again.
I love watching her learn new things. It is amazing to see the excitement in her eyes when she sees new things. I feel so proud of her already and it is only a beginning!